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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应摄像定位激光切割机|CCD激光切割机|激光切割机
产 品: 供应摄像定位激光切割机|CCD激光切割机|激光切割机 
型 号: HL-960P 
规 格: 900*600mm 
品 牌: 合力激光 
单 价: 18888.00元/台 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 3000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2012-10-29  有效期至:2013-10-27 [已过期]

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具体型号HL-P laser cutting machine 










机器简介Means of indicators


Hililaser has committed to new product innovation and development, helilaser P Series models for the new models automatic intelligent machines equipped with a 3.2 megapixel CCD camera, can the right contour cutting target shooting, thereby automatically right for cutting edge. its widely used trademark industry, With the garment industry toward personalized development, the demand for special-shaped trademark more and more the traditional cutting of the past can not meet the demand, but camera laser cutting machine is the perfect do dysplasia trademark cutting ,helilaser P Series laser, high-grade configuration, performance, stability and faster.

具体特点Specific features

1. 在摄像定位视觉系统和计算机软件的协同工作下,P系列切割机可以对布料的细微拉伸变形进行全程自动跟踪补偿,确保切割精准无误。用户当然可以高枕无忧。
2. 针对卷状或较长的织唛产品的全自动上料、下料系统,可以大大方便用户的使用,大幅提高生产效率。

3. 对于在配置进口高性能AC伺服电机的情况之下,可以使P系列切割机运行更平稳,精度更高,速度更快。

4. 时间就是效益,最短切割路径的软件设计,是P系列全自动摄像定位切割机处处为用户着想的一个亮点,和没有最短路径的软件设计相比,平均切约10%-20%的工作时间,等于增加了10%-20%的效益。

5. 摄像定位系统的使用,标志着激光技术、自动化技术、人工视觉智能技术的和谐统一,必将为用户提高生产加工能力,获得持续而积极的生产效率提供有力的帮助。

6. P系列全自动摄像定位切割机在工作时通过视觉系统将图案摄入计算机,通过处理后,可以自动搜索工件并准确定位进行切割,避免了用户因为定位不准而疲于应付。

7. 快速连续曲线切割功能的实现,是由于高端DSP技术的强大数据处理能力,计算机软件针对性设计以及精密机械系统一丝不苟的配合,在高速运转的情况下,切割直线毫不变形,切割曲线绝不失真。

8. 系统轻巧,节省空间,操作简易。高性能的美国射频激光管,完善光学系统,激光功率稳定,寿命长。有红光指示器,便于定位及切割预览。

9. 高精度步进马达驱动,精密的同步皮带和带轮传动,保证高速运动及精度。

10. 具有废料收集箱,清理切割废料更加便利。

11. 采用先进的DSP控制技术,能实现 快速连续的曲线的切割。

12. 软件性能优越:具有合并相连线功能,确保曲线节点自动结合功能;具有折线光滑处理功能,保证切割接缝处光滑平整;多种工作方式(雕刻、切割、打微孔等)可同时输出;可接受DXFPLTBMPAIJPG等通用文档;路径优化,图形设计完毕,自动生产最佳路径,节省工作时间。

1.visual positioning of the camera system and the computer software to work together, P Series machine can cut right fabric tensile deformation of the finer automatic tracking the entire process of compensation to ensure that accurate and truthful cutting. Of course, users can sit back and relax.

2. against or longer-woven products mark the automatic loading, blanking systems, users can greatly facilitate the use, a substantial increase in production efficiency.

3. configurations for the import performance AC servo motor cases, the P-Series cutting machine running smooth, higher accuracy and faster.

4. Time is the shortest path cuts the efficiency and effectiveness of the software design are p series of automatic cutters there for cameras is of luminous point, and no shortest path of software design, the average cut about 10% -20% of the working hours, to increase by 10% -20% profit.

5. camera positioning system use, marking laser technology, automation technology, artificial intelligence technology visual harmony, users are bound to increase production and processing capacity for sustained and positive production efficiency provide effective help.

6. P series of six camera positioning automatic cutting machine at work through the visual system will be logo intake computers, through treatment, it will automatically search workpiece positioning and accurate cutting. avoid positioning the user because not struggling with.

7. consecutive fast curves cutting function is true, as high-end DSP technology powerful data processing capability computer software design and targeted precision mechanical system scans in with the high-speed operation, Cutting straight without deformation, not cutting curve distortion.

8.The equipment is very light and handy saving the room and easy to operate .Radio frequency laser instrument with stable laser power and long life imported from USA perfect the optic system .There is infer-red ray alignment instrument for previewing the position and cutting.

9.High precision stepping motor driver ,exact stepping belt and wheel driving with high quality ,insure high speed moving and precision

10.With waste material gathering box ,it is more convenient to clear up the waste materials.

11.Adopting the most advanced DSP control technology to ensure the high speed and continuous curve cutting

12.Superiority of software performance :The function of unite to ensure the curvilinear nodes be matched automatically ;The function of smoothing the corner to ensure the smooth cutting juncture ;Can export some working s like engraving/cutting and making small holes ;Supports DXFPLTBMPAIJPG and many kinds of documents form; Excellent method ,after the picture designed ,produce the best method automatically ,save working time.



详细配置Detailed configuration










Specific configuration

a..8.0 million pixel high-resolution CCD camera that can accurately identify the edge

b.DSP control systems, stable performance

c.128M high-capacity memory, faster analytic

d.Germany imports stepper motor

e.South Korea ,imported a balanced linear guideway

f.USB 2.0 data transfer interface

g.Chinese LCD screen humane control panel

h.Domestic 70/80W laser

i.High-strength stainless steel honeycomb floor platform



技术参数 technical-parameters

产品型号/machine model HL-640P HL-960P HL-1080P HL-1280P HL-1390P HL-1480P HL-1680P  HL-1810P(可根据客户定制)

激光类型/laser type         国产CO2激光器/ hermetic and detached  CO2 laser tube

激光功率/laser power       80w

雕刻面积/engraving area     600mm*400mm 900*600mm 1000*800 mm 1200*800 mm 1300*900mm 1400*800mm 1600*800mm 1800*1000mm

雕刻速度/engraving speed    0-1500mm/s

切割速度/cutting speed       0-800mm/s

重复精度/repeating locating   ±0.05mm

运动系统/moving system     CNC控制系统/ CNC controlling units

冷却方式/cooling mode       强制水冷及保护系统/water-cooling and protection system

工作电压/working voltage     220±10%  50HZ

整机功率/whole power        1250w

工作温度/operating temperature  0-45

工作湿度/ operating humidity    5%-95%

控制软件/controlling software   正版合力激光软件 /original helilaser software

支持格式/graphic format supported   BMP  PLT  AI  DXF  DST

外形尺寸/machine dimension   

整机重量/gross weight        150kg/200 kg/230kg/240 kg/260kg/290 kg/310kg/320kg/360kg

摄像摄取功能/View capture device    标准装置/Normal installation

聚焦镜配置/focusing mirror   标配50mm/standard 50mm

像素/Pixel           800/8 million pixels


适用材料Applicable Materials


Applied Materials

Leather wool fabric ,cloth ,plexiglass, rubber ,wooden products

适用行业Applicable Industry

Apply industry

This type of machine applicable to trademark woven mark, the wearing leather, cloth toys, computer embroidery cutting, template cutting, paper products industry



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  • 联系人:洪剑(先生)
  • 职位:销售部(经理)
  • 电话:13686008900
  • 手机:13686008900
  • 传真:86-0769-21661919
  • 地址:东莞市高埗镇保安围工业区
  • 腾讯QQ: